This is a service for the 24 solar terms of Korea that is widely used in Asian cultures. Based on the position of the sun and the earth, it can be further divided from the commonly used concept of four seasons to understand agricultural seasons and related customs.
As of today, you can check the solar, lunar, and zodiac calendars, and basically provide the D-day function for the nearest season. Also, you can understand the concept of the whole season and the seasons through the diagram where you can see the 24 solar terms at a glance.
You can find out in detail the typical definitions of the 24 solar terms and the customs enjoyed by Koreans for the seasons corresponding to each season. You can also check proverbs and related foods that describe the season.
We love Korean culture and hope that it will be widely used by all who are interested in Asian culture, and we wish you all to enjoy the beautiful customs of the season.
Thank you